HGEC Library Learning Commons

Blue is the sea : music, dance & visual arts (35040)
Physical Illustrated; 242 pages
Produced 2011
Distributor Pentatonic Press (4098)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis This book addresses the practice of arts integration using a basic approach for the music and dance classroom. It features 25 themes with music, poetry, dance and visual art activities for preschool through middle school students. It includes: lesson examples applicable to students of all ages; pedagogical and methodological ideas for teaching music and visual arts; games, songs and poems with body percussion and orchestrations for the Orff instrument ensemble; movement exploration and improvisation exercises; and suggestions for illustrating texts and songs.
Author Lopez-Ibor, Sofia.
Dimensions 31 cm.
ISBN# 9780977371235
Pub. Loc. San Francisco, Calif
Notes "Teaching the whole child through music: visual arts"--cover.
Stmt Resp Sofia Lopez-Ibor.
Subjects Poetry Circles(CK); Art—Study and teaching; Dance—Study and teaching; Music—Study and teaching
Call# CUR 780.7 LOP
Book 1 copy
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