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Animal disguises [6 books] (35431)
Physical 16 pieces
Copyrighted 2007
Distributor Scholastic (3166)
Country Canada
Audience Primary, Intermediate (PI)
Collection Booking Library
Series Fast Track (1747)
Synopsis Some animals have clever ways of hiding. They disguise themselves to hide from the enemy or to catch food.
Author Trussell-Cullen, Alan
Dimensions 24 cm. 12 cm. [cd]
ISBN# 1443009814
Pub. Loc. Markham, ON
Notes Fast Track series is a high interest, low vocabulary.
Parts 6 books ; 1 cd ; 1 Teacher's guide
Stmt Resp Alan Trussell-Cullen
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Reading materials; Camouflage (Biology); Animal defenses; Hi-Lo books
Call# HIL 15 (09)
Kit 1 copy
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