HGEC Library Learning Commons

AIM : Jeunesse en action! 3A Qui arrive ce soir? (35688)
Physical Color
Distributor AIM Language Learning Inc (3856)
Country Canada
Language English/French
Dewey 440
Audience Intermediate, Junior High (IJ)
Collection Booking Library
Series Aim (1652)
Synopsis This comedic theatre piece deals with not only peer relationships but the common issue of the generation gap as we follow the lives of the main characters that appear in the previous play. The ending to the story is unfinished and it is up to the students to write their own! Students who have completed the first two (Jeunesse en action) kits can continue their rapid fluency development in the third-level kit, Qui arrive ce soir ? As in the other kits, vocabulary and grammatical structures are introduced and reinforced through gestures, drama and songs. Your class will love the second play in a trilogy about a high school student who wins a girl's heart with his talent and his caring attitude. In this play, she invites him home to meet her parents!
Author Maxwell, Wendy
Dimensions 40 x 50 cm plastic tub
ISBN# 978-1-897504-80-2
Pub. Loc. Bowen Island, BC
Notes Examples of some of the grammar, language conventions and vocabulary in this kit: present tense of irregular verbs including vouloir, pouvoir, partir, sortir and devoir with both singular and plural subjects; double-verb constructions, le passé; aller plus infinitive to form le futur proche; agreement of verbs with compound subject; imperative of some regular -er, -ir and -re verbs; demonstrative and possessive adjectives; adjectives that precede the noun; object pronouns; both direct and indirect singular and plural, feminine and masculine of some irregular adjectives and agreement in number and gender; subject-verb inversions; the prepositions à and de plus the definite article;
Stmt Resp Wendy Maxwell
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Français (Langue seconde); French as a second language; French collections; French language—Study and teaching; French Resources(CK)
Call# KT 1794
Kit 1 copy

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