HGEC Library Learning Commons

Everyday book box kit (blue) (35752)
Physical Color
Distributor Scholastic (3166)
Country Canada
Audience Primary (P)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis This kit has been selected with 44 individual books to help students read independently or voluntarily. The books are high-interest and age-appropriate. They are visually appealing and can be valuable during read aloud time to the whole class. CD has blackline masters and sheet with reading tips for Teachers and parents.
Dimensions 26 x 37 cm.
ISBN# 0545377579
Pub. Loc. Toronto, ON
Contents Amalia and the grasshopper ; Amazon sun, Amazon rain ; Beavers and other animals with amazing teeth ; Busy, buzzy bees ; Cinderella ; Collecting ; Don't be late ; Elliot drives away ; Eye foolers ; Fire and wind ; Flies are fascinating ; Hawks on the clock ; Helen Keller: an inspiring life ; I love mud and mud loves me ; I'll do it later ; Inside an ant colony ; Little Koel finds his song ; Little One Inch ; The little red hen ; Log hotel ; The night sky ; The nightingale ; Not for me ; Paper bag trail ; Part of the pack ; Patterns everywhere ; Peanut butter rhino ; The Princess and the pea ; Rain forest ; Rainy day alphabet book ; Science fair friends ; Sea slug and Mr Pelican ; The showdown ; The spider and the beehive ; Stone soup ; Take care of your teeth ; The three billy goats gruff ; The tortoise and the hare ; The treasure hunt ; The ugly duckling ; Under the city ; The wax man ; Where do puddles go? ; Who wants a ride?
Parts 44 books, 1 CD, 1 Teacher's notes.
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Early learning inquiry(CK); Literacy; Literature; Reading
Call# KT 0081
Kit 1 copy
Reference Users of this title also used:
Primary pattern kit (38107)
Coding for kids - Primary Kit (37647)
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