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Making a paper pond [6 books] (35786)
Physical Illustrated
Produced 2013
Distributor STRONG NATIONS (4145)
Audience Primary (P)
Collection Professional Library
Series Strong readers (0137)
Synopsis Ponds are great places to visit in the spring time. This book shows you how to make a model of a pond with just a few simple tools and some paper.
Author Boreham, Brenda.
Dimensions 23 cm. ; all in ziplock bag.
ISBN# 9781771740128
Pub. Loc. Nanaimo, B.C.
Notes Level 11. Guided reading.
Parts 6 copies (16 p.); guide
Stmt Resp written by Brenda Boreham.
Subjects Easy reading materials; First Nations; Guided reading; Language arts—Study and teaching; Paper crafts; Reading
Call# GR 11 (66)
Kit 2 copies
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