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AIM: Les trois petits cochons marionnettes (35844)
Distributor AIM Language Learning Inc (3856)
Country Canada
Language French
Audience Intermediate, Junior High (IJ)
Collection Booking Library
Series Histoires en action (1753)
Synopsis The 4 puppets in this kit go with kit KT 1791. It is a traditional story, the three pigs set out to build their own houses. The first pig builds a house of straw, the second builds a house of wood, and the third builds a house of bricks. The wolf arrives at each of the first two houses, and because they are built of weaker materials, blows them down. The first and second pigs each run to the brick house of the third pig, who has put a pot of hot soup on the fire. When the wolf tries to enter the house of the third pig, and cannot blow the house down, he climbs on to the roof, and goes down the chimney. He falls into the pot of hot soup and leaves the house, running out the door. The three pigs happily wave good-bye to the wolf as he runs off. This story is the first play of the Histoires en action ! program. It is a very popular play with teachers and students. Its familiarity and subsequent predictability prove to be an excellent entry point for students learning a new language, or those beginning this program for the first time. Les trois petits cochons is very repetitive and easy to learn. Students will be able to chime in to the words of the pigs or the wolf, even upon first presentation, if encouraged to do so. The vocabulary is predictable, as students come to the storyline in French with a context and background from the English version — a definite plus when trying to put students at ease, and this will help them to learn new vocabulary quickly. This kit is for students with no prior knowledge of French, and takes them through the first 50 hours of instruction. Students are introduced to approximately 500 words. Present and passé composé forms of common verbs (regular and irregular), adjectival agreement, the formation of questions and the use of ne...pas are introduced. http://www.aimlanguagelearning.com/index.php/browse/category/id/HEA1A
Author Maxwell, Wendy
Dimensions 33 x 20 cm. plastic tub
Pub. Loc. Bowen Island, BC
Contents 3 pig puppets ; 1 wolf puppet.
Notes Great for any beginning French learners, primary immersion, early Core French.
Stmt Resp Wendy Maxwell
Subjects French as a second language; French collections; French Resources(CK)
Call# KT 1795
Kit 1 copy
Reference Users of this title also used:
AIM: Les trois petits cochons 1A (35385)
Nelson science [6]: physics and earth/space classroom kit (40269)
Stars and constellations (36809)
Boy, were we wrong about the solar system! (40189)
The Hubble space telescope : our eye on the universe (39320)

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