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Chilled (35859)
Copyrighted 2006
Distributor Centre for Emotional Health (4229)
Country Canada
Dewey 158.1
Audience Junior High, Senior High, Teacher/Professional (JST)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis The Chilled program has different components. The first will teach you about how anxiety works and helps you to explore how anxiety affects you. In the second component we explore how your thoughts can make anxiety much worse and ways that you can change your thinking. In the third we investigate ways of facing the fears that stop you reaching your own goals. The final component that you will work through helps to build active coping skills that can be used when you face a situation that makes you anxious.
Author Lyneham, H. J.
ISBN# 0000037109 0000037044 0000037117
Pub. Loc. Sidney
Contents Chilled — Cool Kids adolescent anxiety program parent companion — Cool Kids child & adolescent anxiety program therapist manual (school version)
Parts 3 books
Stmt Resp H.J. Lyneham ; C.A. Wignall ; A. Rapee
Subjects Anxiety; Healthy schools
Call# CUR 158.1 CHI
Kit 4 copies

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