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If this is freedom : a novel (36066)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis In the black settlement of Birchtown, times are especially hard for former slaves. They face the difficulties of a hardscrabble existence and continued discrimination from their white counterparts. Like many desperate Birchtowners, Sarah Redmond has signed an indenture agreement, a work contract meant to protect her rights and ensure a living wage. Sarahs employers, the Blyes, do not honour the agreement, and Sarah and her family are all but shattered when Sarah takes a wrong step one she will come to regret as it sets off a chain of unusual events that put her under further pressure.
Author Wesley, Gloria
Dimensions 21 cm.
ISBN# 9781552665718 (pbk.)
Stmt Resp Gloria Ann Wesley.
Subjects Black women—Fiction; Blacks—Nova Scotia—Fiction; Contract labor—Nova Scotia—Fiction; Courage—Fiction; Historical fiction; Nova Scotia—Fiction
Book 1 copy

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