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I am Algonquin : an Algonquin quest novel (36067)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis The novel follows the story of Mahingan and his family as they live the traditional Algonquin way of life in what is now Ontario in the early 14th century. Along the way we learn about the search for moose and the dramatic rare woodland buffalo hunt, conflicts with other Native nations, and the dangers of wolves and wolverines. We also witness the violent game of lacrosse, the terror of a forest fire, and the rituals that allow Algonquin boys to be declared full-grown men.
Author Revelle, Rick.
Dimensions 21 cm.
ISBN# 9781459707184 (pbk.)
Stmt Resp Rick Revelle.
Subjects Algonquin (First Nations people)—Fiction; Canada—Fiction; First Nations—Canada—Fiction; Historical fiction
Book 1 copy

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