HGEC Library Learning Commons

Share and take turns (36176)
Physical Illustrated; 35 pages
Produced 2003
Distributor Free Spirit (1740)
Audience Primary (P)
Collection Professional Library
Series Learning to get along (0429)
Synopsis Explains what sharing means and provides examples of different ways that two people can share what they both want, such as taking turns, dividing things, or playing together. Includes information and extension activities for parents or teachers.
Author Meiners, Cheri J.
Added autho Johnson, Meredith
Dimensions 23 cm.
ISBN# 1575421240 (pbk.)
Pub. Loc. Minneapolis, Minn.
Stmt Resp Cheri J. Meiners ; illustrated by Meredith Johnson.
Subjects Conduct of life; Sharing; Johnson, Meredith,—ill(A); Inclusive education
Call# 177.1 MEI
Book 1 copy

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