The resources in this kit will bring to life the classical tradition
of myth. Students will have a variety of options to extend their
learning through literature circles, readers theatre and research.
55 x 39 cm. plastic tub
35 x 24 cm. plastic tub
58 books: 6 Aphrodite Goddess of love ; Classic myths to
read aloud ; D'Aulaires' book of Greek myths ; A guide for using
D'Aulaires' book of Greek myths ; Greek mythology activities ; Greek
myth plays ; 6 Hades Lord of the dead ; 6 Hera the Goddess and her
glory ; creation stories from around the world ; 3
Jason: quest for the golden fleece ; 6 The lightning thief ; Monkey
King: birth of the stone monkey ; Mythology : timeless tales of Gods
and heroes ; The odyssey ; Peterson first guides ; 6 Poseidon earth
shaker ; 3 Reader's theatre mythology ; Treasury of Greek mythology ;
Native American tales ; 3 The Trojan horse: the fall of
Troy ; 6 Zeus: King of the Gods ; 1 Gods, Goddesses, and Heroes.