HGEC Library Learning Commons

Mythology (36344)
Physical Color
Country Canada
Audience Intermediate, Junior High (IJ)
Synopsis The resources in this kit will bring to life the classical tradition of myth. Students will have a variety of options to extend their learning through literature circles, readers theatre and research.
Dimensions 55 x 39 cm. plastic tub 35 x 24 cm. plastic tub
Contents 58 books: 6 Aphrodite Goddess of love ; Classic myths to read aloud ; D'Aulaires' book of Greek myths ; A guide for using D'Aulaires' book of Greek myths ; Greek mythology activities ; Greek myth plays ; 6 Hades Lord of the dead ; 6 Hera the Goddess and her glory ; creation stories from around the world ; 3 Jason: quest for the golden fleece ; 6 The lightning thief ; Monkey King: birth of the stone monkey ; Mythology : timeless tales of Gods and heroes ; The odyssey ; Peterson first guides ; 6 Poseidon earth shaker ; 3 Reader's theatre mythology ; Treasury of Greek mythology ; Native American tales ; 3 The Trojan horse: the fall of Troy ; 6 Zeus: King of the Gods ; 1 Gods, Goddesses, and Heroes.
Parts 2 Parts: 55 books all in two plastic tubs.
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Fantasy fiction; Gods and goddesses—Graphic novels; Graphic novels; Greek mythology; Language arts; Mythology; Social Studies; Zeus (Greek deity); Literature Circles(CK)
Call# KT 1820
Kit 1 copy
Reference Users of this title also used:
Greek myths : meet the heroes, gods, and monsters of ancient Greece (41896)
The breadwinner : a graphic novel [6 books] (37802)
El Deafo [6 books] (37796)
Macbeth : the graphic novel [35 books] (34129)
Ten little Indians : stories (41308)

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