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A mango-shaped space [6 books] (36579)
Physical 270 pieces
Copyrighted 2003
Distributor Little Brown (1797)
Country Canada
Audience Intermediate (I)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis Mia, 13, has always seen colors in sounds, numbers, and letters, a fact she has kept secret since the day she discovered that other people don't have this ability. Then she discovers that she has a rare condition called synesthesia, which means that the visual cortex in her brain is activated when she hears something. From then on, she leads a kind of double life-she eagerly attends research gatherings with other synesthetes and devours information about the condition, but continues to struggle at school, where her inadvertent pairing of particular colors with numbers and words makes math and French almost impossible to figure out. Her gradual abandonment of her frustrating school life in favor of the compelling world of fellow synesthetes and the unique things only they can experience seems quite logical, although readers may feel like shaking some sense into her. Finally, and rather abruptly, her extreme guilt at her beloved cat Mango's illness brings her back down to earth and she begins to work on some of the relationships she let crumble.
Author Mass, Wendy
Dimensions 19 cm.
ISBN# 978-0-316-05825-4
Pub. Loc. New York, NY
Contents 6 books ; 1 Literature Circles guide ; 1 Focused Education Resources review.
Notes Theme: Friendship. Focused Education Resources review available below.
Parts 6 books ; 1 guide ; 1 review all in a 41 x 31 cm. plastic bag.
Stmt Resp Wendy Mass
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Cats—Fiction; Death—Fiction; Family life—Fiction; Friendship—Fiction; Math; Numeracy; Reading; Schools—Fiction; Senses and sensation—Fiction; Diversity(CK); Literature Circles(CK); Sexual Health Novels(CK)
Call# LIT FRI 6/7
Note FER Approved.
Kit 4 copies
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