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The hunchback assignments [6 books] (36637)
Produced 2009
Distributor HarperTrophy (1110)
Country Canada
Audience Intermediate, Junior High (IJ)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis The mysterious Mr. Socrates rescues Modo, a child in a traveling freak show. Modo is a hunchback with an amazing ability to transform his appearance, and Mr. Socrates raises him in isolation as an agent for the Permanent Association, a spy agency behind Brittania's efforts to rule the empire. At 14, Modo is left on the streets of London to fend for himself. When he encounters Octavia Milkweed, another Association agent, the two uncover a plot by the Clockword Guild behind the murders of important men. Furthermore, a mad scientist is turning orphan children into automatons to further the goals of the Guild. Modo and Octavia journey deep into the tunnels under London and discover a terrifying plot against the British government. It's up to them to save their country.
Author Slade, Arthur
Dimensions 18 cm.
ISBN# 1554683556
Pub. Loc. Toronto
Contents 6 books ; 1 Literature Circles guide ; 1 Focused Education Resources review.
Notes Theme: Fantasy. Focused Education Resources review available below.
Parts 6 books ; 1 guide ; 1 review all in a 41 x 31 cm. plastic bag.
Stmt Resp Arthur Slade
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Fantasy; Reading; Literature Circles(CK); Good and evil—Fiction; English/Language Arts; Fantasy fiction; Steampunk fiction; London (England)—Fiction
Call# LIT FAN 6-8
Note FER Approved.
Kit 1 copy

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