HGEC Library Learning Commons

Breakout EDU (36666)
Copyrighted 2015
Country Canada
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis Breakout EDU creates ultra-engaging learning games for people of all ages. Games (Breakouts) teach teamwork, problem solving, critical thinking, and troubleshooting by presenting participants with challenges that ignite their natural drive to problem-solve. Breakouts are perfect for classrooms, staff trainings, dinner parties, and at home with the family! At the end of a Breakout, your players will be eager for the next! Speciality K-12 Breakouts can be used to teach core academic subjects including math, science, history, language arts and have embedded standards that apply problem solving strategies within a real world OR collaborative context. HOW IT WORKS With the purchase of a Breakout kit, you're able to play countless Breakouts. Each kit comes with a collection of locks, hidden contraptions, timers, keys, and other "diversion hardware" that can be used to play the Breakout challenges available from the store. Each kit purchased comes with codes that can be redeemed for two free Breakouts challenges, allowing you to select the perfect Breakout for your group of players.
Dimensions 1 container
Contents 1 container ; guide ; 1 portable personal safe ; 1 word/number lock with 8 combination dials ; 1 silver 4 dial lock (numbers) ; 1 directional lock ; 1 brass lock with key ; 1 lockable hasp ; 1 Wordlock lock ; 1 flashlight (with 2 AAA batteries) ; 1 8GB flashdrive ; 1 invisible ink pen with light.
Notes Locks returned without pre-set combination will be replaced and user will be charged.
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Applied design, skills and technologies; Math; Numeracy; Adst(CK); Escape Room
Call# KT 0819
Kit 2 copies


Reference Users of this title also used:
Aboriginal games kit (38694)
Aboriginal Multiplication and Division : Grade 3 (41588)
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Indigenous Storytelling Kit : Family (40550)

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