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Divergent [6 books] (36679)
Physical 487 pieces
Copyrighted 2011
Distributor Katherine Tegen Books (4325)
Country Canada
Audience Junior High, Senior High (JS)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis Tris Prior lives in a futuristic world in which society is divided into five factions. As each person enters adulthood, he or she must choose a faction and commit to it for life. Tris chooses Dauntless — those who pursue bravery above all else. However, her initiation leads to the discovery that she is a Divergent and will never be able to fit into just one faction. Warned that she must conceal her status, Tris uncovers a looming war which threatens everyone she loves.
Author Roth, Veronica
Dimensions 21 cm.
ISBN# 0062387731
Pub. Loc. New York
Contents 6 books ; 1 Literature Circles guide ; 1 Focused Education Resources review.
Notes Theme: Dystopian. Focused Education Resources review available below.
Parts 6 books, 1 guide ; 1 review all in plastic bag.
Stmt Resp Veronica Roth
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Courage; Dystopian; Reading; Social classes; Literature Circles(CK)
Call# LIT DYS 10-12
Note FER Approved.
Kit 1 copy
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