HGEC Library Learning Commons

250 hours (36738)
Physical 152 pages
Copyrighted 2015
Audience Senior High (S)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis Jess and Sara Jean couldn't be more different. He's a loner with a criminal record, a M©btis raised on the reserve, the son of a residential-school survivor. She's from nearby Edelburg, a conservative small town. Abandoned by her mother, Sara Jean cares for her obese grandmother and writes to escape.When Jess is found guilty of arson, he's ordered to complete 250 hours of community service, starting with Sara Jean's neglected garage. Sorting through boxes left by her grandfather, they discover that the secrets keeping their communities apart are the very things that will bring them together.
Author Nelson, Colleen
Dimensions 22 cm
ISBN# 9781550506419 (pbk.)
Pub. Loc. Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Notes Keywords: Aboriginal.
Stmt Resp Colleen Nelson.
Subjects Culture conflict—Fiction; First Nations—Residential schools—Fiction; Juvenile delinquency—Fiction. 3; Métis—Fiction; Social Studies; Aboriginal; English/Language Arts

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