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Shi-shi-etko [6 books] (36744)
Copyrighted 2005
Distributor Groundwood Books (4328)
Country Canada
Audience Primary, Intermediate (PI)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis Shi-shi-etko just has four days until she will have to leave her family and everything she knows to attend residential school. She spends her last precious days at home treasuring and appreciating the beauty of her world — the dancing sunlight, the tall grass, each shiny rock, the tadpoles in the creek, her grandfather's paddle song. Her mother, father, and grandmother, each in turn, share valuable teachings that they want her to remember. Shi-shi-etko carefully gathers her memories for safekeeping.
Author Campbell, Nicola I.
Dimensions 21 cm.
ISBN# 0888996594
Pub. Loc. Toronto, ON
Contents 6 books ; 1 Literature Circles guide ; 1 Focused Education Resources review.
Notes Theme: Survival. Focused Education Resources review available below.
Parts 6 books ; 1 guide ; 1 review all in a 41 x 31 cm. plastic bag.
Stmt Resp Nicola I. Campbell ; pictures by Kim LaFave
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Poetry Circles(CK); Truth and Reconciliation(CK); First Nations; First Nations—Residential schools; First Nations children; Reading; Literature Circles(CK)
Call# LIT SUR 3-5
Note FER Approved.
Kit 2 copies
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