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Children's rights [16 books] (36824)
Physical 40 pieces
Copyrighted 2014
Distributor Scholastic Canada (2434)
Country Canada
Audience Intermediate, Junior High (IJ)
Collection Booking Library
Series Issues 21 (0543)
Synopsis Why are children still being exploited in the 21st Century? All over the world child labour, child soldiers, and child abuse are all still happening. Why does this exploitation continue and what can we do to finally put an end to it? These questions and more are introduced in this kit. "The goal of the Issues 21 series is to create critically aware and actively engaged citizens by encouraging inquiries into global issues with personal and local connections. The series promotes strategies for deeper reading, motivates students to think deeply, and provides opportunities to increase student engagement, voice, and success within the classroom. Lesson plans in the teacher's guide include the following key concepts: inquiry question, enduring understandings, personal reflection question, questions to consider, optimal questions, assessment, and interdisciplinary connections."—Overview guide.
Author Michaud-Turgeon, Robyn
Added autho Stewart, Michael F.
Dimensions 28 cm.
ISBN# 9781770580763 9781443031530 (overview guide) 9781443027540 (teacher's guide)
Pub. Loc. Markham, ON
Contents 16 books ; 1 Teacher's guide ; 1 Overview guide ; 1 Points of Inquiry pamphlet.
Notes Theme: Inquiry
Parts 16 Books ; 3 guides all in a 31 x 23 x 10 cm. box or plastic bag.
Stmt Resp Robyn Michaud-Turgeon ; Michael F. Stewart ; Series Editor: Jeffrey David Wilhelm ; Social Justice Consultant: Stephen Lewis.
TitleVartn Issues 21 : Children's rights
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Careers - Exploring Possibilities(CK); Children—Civil rights—Study and teaching; Human rights—Study and teaching; Inquiry-based learning; Language arts; Science; Social Studies; New BC Curriculum(CK); Wilhelm, Jeffrey D.,—1959-(A); Child labor
Call# INQ 6-9
Kit 5 copies
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