HGEC Library Learning Commons

Maker dad : lunch box guitars, antigravity jars, and 22 other incredibly cool father-daughter DIY projects (37175)
Physical Illustrated
Audience Teacher/Professional (T)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis Presents twenty-two projects a father and daughter can make together, including a lunchbox guitar, rainbow pops, silkscreen T-shirt, and others.
Author Frauenfelder, Mark
Dimensions 23 cm
ISBN# 9780544114548 (pbk.)
Contents Introduction: say yes to mistakes -Maker dad toolbox -(E) Antigravity jar. -(M) Drawbot -(C) Longboard -(C) Mid-century rocking chair -(E) Soap shapes -(E) Giant bubbles. -(C) Create a podcast -(M) Silkscreen T-shirt -(M) Ice cream sandwich necklace -(M) Paper bowl speaker -(M) Peg trick -(E) Rubber stamps -(C) The friendstrument -(M) Mixie sticks -(C) Retro arcade video game -(E) Crazy card -(C) Lunch box guitar -(E) Seven-piece puzzle cube -(E) Rainbow pops -(M) Astro ice cream -(C) Kite video camera -(M) M¿± t¿rere -(C) Getting to know arduino -(E) "Can't Lose" Dice.
Stmt Resp Mark Frauenfelder.
Subjects Applied design, skills and technologies; Creative activities; Father-daughter relationship; Girls; Handicraft; Adst(CK)
Call# 745.5 FRA
Book 1 copy

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