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Thinksheets for tweens and teens : learning to read in between the social lines (37210)
Physical 189 pages
Produced 2014
Distributor Social Thinking (3758)
Audience Teacher/Professional (T)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis Thinksheets books are designed for use by parents, educators, and therapists to build upon the concepts explained in more depth in our other books and articles about Social Thinking. In this book, you'll find the tools to break down and explain the often confusing world of social communication, helping your tweens and teens explore concepts such as learning about others' perspectives, hidden rules, body language, reacting and overreacting and other emotional challenges, being bossy, jerks and bullies, different types of friends, and more. The book comes with a Mac/PC friendly CD containing PDFs of 160+ thinksheets."-Publisher.
Author Winner, Michelle Garcia.
Dimensions 28 cm
ISBN# 9781936943166 (pbk.)
Pub. Loc. San Jose, Calif.
Contents Getting started-Incorporating social thinking into the regular education classroom for students in early adolescence -What is social communication? -Problem solving -Lessons on emotions -Different perspectives -Being bossy and jerky -Lessons on friendship -The social fake and other tricks -Participating in groups.
Notes Previously published as: Social thinking worksheets for tweens and teens. "Formerly titled "Social Thinking Worksheets" Same great content, now with a new name"--cover. Includes CD with 160+ ready to print thinksheets.
Parts 1 book ; 1 CD (12 cm)
Stmt Resp Michelle Garcia Winner.
TitleVartn Social thinking worksheets
Subjects Behavior modification; Inclusive education—Study and teaching; Inclusive education—Problems, exercises, etc; Inclusive education; Social skills—Problems, exercises, etc; Social skills—Study and teaching
Call# 371.94 WIN
Book 4 copies
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