HGEC Library Learning Commons

100% spelling : fortified with basic spelling patterns & rules (37229)
Physical Illustrated; 187 pages
Produced 1998
Distributor LinguiSystems (1149)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis This resource was developed to teach students basic spelling rules. Lesson sets are arranged by order of reading, writing, and spelling difficulty. Each set of lessons targets a specific spelling pattern, usually based on specific vowel spellings.
Added autho Stontz, Karen.; Whiskeyman, Lauri.; LoGiudice, Carolyn.; Bowers, Linda.; Truman, Barb.
Dimensions 28 cm. + CD.
ISBN# 0760602417
Pub. Loc. East Moline, ILL.
Notes Subtitle from cover.
Stmt Resp Karen Stontz ; Lauri Whiskeyman ; Carolyn LoGuidice ; Linda Bowers ; Barb Truman.
TitleVartn One hundred per cent spelling
Subjects English language—Spelling—Study and teaching; Spelling—Problems, exercises, etc; Bowers, Linda(A); LoGiudice, Carolyn(A); Stontz, Karen(A); Truman, Barb(A); Whiskeyman, Lauri(A)
Call# 428.1 ONE
Book 1 copy
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