Righting Canada's Wrongs is a series devoted to the exploration of the
government actions that violated the rights of groups of Canadian
citizens, the subsequent fight for acknowledgement and justice, and
the eventual apologies and restitution by governments. Students will
have an opportunity to discuss issues in a book club format, 6 copies
of each book title are included in the kit, 30 books in total.
30 x 28 x 41 cm. (3 plastic bins)
Pub. Loc.
Toronto, ON
1 Resource Guide ; 42 Books: 6 Africville ; 6 Anti-Semitism and the MS
St. Louis; 6 Chinese head tax, The ; 6 Italian Canadian Internment ; 6
Japanese Canadian Internment ; 6 Komagata Maru, The ; 6 Residential
42 books in 3 bins 30 x 28 x 41 cm. each.
Stmt Resp
Pamela Hickman ; Melanie Florence ; Arlene Chan ; Jean Smith
Cavalluzzo ; Masako Fukawa.