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The 10 most awesome ecosystems [8 books] (37311)
Physical 48 pieces
Copyrighted 2012
Distributor Scholastic (3166)
Country Canada
Audience Intermediate (I)
Collection Booking Library
Series Ten. Discovery series (0687)
Synopsis This book used the following criteria for ecosystems: the ecosystem's living and non-living parts interact in interesting ways; the ecosystem provides habitats for many different plants and animals ; to survive in these ecosystems, plant and animal species have adapted in different ways over time.
Author Buskermolen, Sunniva
Dimensions in plastic zip-up bag
ISBN# 9781770582590
Contents 8 books ; 1 inquiry club guide ; 1 points of inquiry pamphlet
Notes Theme: Inquiry
Parts 8 books ; 2 guides
Stmt Resp Sunniva Buskermolen ; Series Editor: Jeffrey D. Wilhelm
TitleVartn The ten most awesome ecosystems
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Careers - Exploring Possibilities(CK); Ecosystems; Inquiry-based learning; Life science; Science; New BC Curriculum(CK); Biodiversity
Call# INQ 4-6
Kit 2 copies
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