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Inuit legends (37324)
Physical Not Applicable; 120 pages
Produced 2002
Distributor CBC North Radio One (4351)
Publisher Canadian Broadcasting Corp (0024)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis Five legendary Inuit tales in both Inuktitut and English as featured on CBC North Radio One. (approx. 2 hrs.).
Added autho Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
Credits Producer, Leah Shaw ; co-producers, Dick Miller and Barbara Worthy ; dramatizations, Barbara Worthy ; cultural advice/translations , Jeannie Arreak-Kullualik and Annie Ford.
Dimensions 12 cm
ISBN# 0660189836
Pub. Loc. Iqaluit, NT, Canada
Contents Orphan shaman : how an orphan boy with special powers saved two sisters -Three stars : how the constellation Ullaktut was formed -Nuliajuk : the story of Sedna, the sea goddess -Poor fisherman : an ironic story of greed -Illimarasujuk : how starvation leads one man to the depths of cruelty and also the story of how mosquitoes were created.
Notes "December 2002." Package information in English and Inuit language (Inuktitut) syllabics. Spoken in English and Inuktitut.
Parts 2 sound discs (ca.
Stmt Resp Canadian Broadcasting Corporation ; produced by Leah Shaw.
Cast Annie Ford; Romani Makkik; Charlie Taqtaq; Kowesa Etitiq; Alison Ford; Joannasse Mucpa; Jasen Kelly ; vocals, Jennifer Naglingniq.
Subjects Audiobooks; Inuit-folklore; Inuit-legends; Legends—Canadian Arctic; Nunavut
Call# 398.209719 INU
Book 1 copy

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