HGEC Library Learning Commons

Wonderfall (37330)
Physical Illustrated
Copyrighted 2016
Distributor Greenwillow Books, an imprint of Ha (5149)
Audience Primary (P)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis Follows the story of a single tree through the changing of the seasons from fall to winter, as people, animals, and vehicles pass in front of the tree, celebrating holidays, playing in the leaves, and building nests. Includes blended words.
Author Hall, Michael
Dimensions 30 cm
Edition First edition.
ISBN# 9780062382986
Pub. Loc. New York, NY
Parts 1 volume ()
Stmt Resp Michael Hall.
Subjects Autumn—Fiction; Seasons—Fiction; Trees—Fiction; Picture Books(CK); Science; Language arts (Primary)
Call# E HAL
Book 1 copy
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