HGEC Library Learning Commons

Intermediate SOGI kit (37378)
Produced 2017
Distributor School District #73 (2550)
Country Canada
Audience Intermediate (I)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis Short stories, lesson plans, activity sheets and information regarding LGBTQ plus topics to use in English, Socials, Social Justice, Psycholgy, and potentially Drama.
Dimensions 29 x 35 x 18 cm plastic bin
Pub. Loc. Kamloops
Contents Books: Lessons learned ; Gay-straight student alliance handbook ; Supporting transgender and transsexual students in K-12 schools ; ; Seeing the rainbow ; Queer: the ultimate LGBT guide for teens ; The gender spectrum: what educators need to know ; The gender quest workbook ; One in every crowd ; Challenging silence challenging censorship ; From the notebooks of Melanin Sun ; George ; It's elementary + 2 DVD's ; Totally Joe. 3 posters. Photocopied booklets: Non-sexist and inclusive pedagogy ; How can I start a change makers' club? ; Change makers' club. LGBTQ inclusion pocket guide with 10 cards ; DVD + guide Creating gender inclusive schools.
Parts 13 books, 1 with dvd; 3 posters; 3 photocopied booklets; bookmarks; pocket guide ; dvd + guide.
TitleVartn Intermediate Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Kit
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Discrimination; Gender identity—Study and teaching; Gender role—Study and teaching; Homophobia; Homosexuality; Lesbians; Queer theory; Diversity(CK); Sexual Health Kits(CK); Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity(CK)
Call# KT 0669
Kit 1 copy
Reference Users of this title also used:
The 57 bus (41156)
Queer heroes (40384)
Moose [8 books] (38329)
Primary SOGI kit (37377)
Fire Song (38178)

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