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| Title
The great big kit of families (37392) |
| Country
| Audience
Primary (P)
| Collection
Booking Library
| Synopsis
This kit includes books, puzzles, puppets and small figures of
different ethnic backgrounds as well as physical challenges. Can be
used to introduce ethnic mindfulness and enables children to role-play
different genders and families. Also encourages positive and
inclusive attitude towards individuals with physical challenges.
| Dimensions
all in a 66 x 45 x 32 cm. plastic bin.
| Contents
16 books : A family is a family is a family, Are you my mother?,
Aunts, Brothers, Cousins, Families, Good families don't, Good good
Father, Grandfather's journey, Grandmother's dreamcatcher, Little fur
family, The family book, The great big book of families, The snow
globe family, Uncle Willie and the soup kitchen, Who's in my family ;
8 puppets ; 6 puzzles ; 22 figures.
| Notes
Copy 1 includes Caucasian and Hispanic families.
Copy 2 includes African and Asian families.
| Parts
16 books ; 8 puppets ; 6 puzzles ; 22 figures
| Subjects
Careers - Positive Community Engagement(CK);
Ethnic groups;
Family life;
Family traditions;
Healthy schools;
Social Studies;
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity(CK)
| Call#
KT 1765
| Holdings
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Resources |
Reference |
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