HGEC Library Learning Commons

Crystal connectors + light box (37412)
Country Canada
Audience Primary (P)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis A rainbow of translucent plastic discs, each with 8 slots for constructing 3-dimensional structures that capture the light. Colours include red, yellow, blue and green. Includes 50 cm. light table.
Dimensions 74 x 56 x 16 cm. plastic bin.
Contents 1 table top light table (50 cm.) ; 300 crystal connector discs (1.5 and 2.5 in diameter)cov ; 1 power adapter ; 1 on/off cord (50 cm.) all in 74 x 56 x 16 cm. plastic bin.
Parts 1 light table ; 300 crystal connectors ; 2 power adapter accessories.
Subjects Art; Colour; Light; Math; Mathematics; Numeracy; Numeracy Resources(CK)
Call# KT 1687
Kit 1 copy


Reference Users of this title also used:
Colour and light box kit (36345)
Aboriginal Felt Stories (41599)
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Build a community (31603)

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