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Heart like a wing (37496)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis Haunted by nightmares and disfigured by a mysterious scar, Briony is an orphan who knows nothing about her past. Her journey of discovery begins when an elderly couple, Dagget and Moll, adopt her and take her home to the remote northern town of Crowsbeak, Saskatchewan. An outcast at school, Briony finds her calling in the skies with Dagget in his legendary Norseman bush plane. He teaches her to fly over vast forests of spruce, delivering freight to fire camps and Cree communities nestled among the myriad lakes. Here she finds she has First Nations roots, and the truth behind her scar finally becomes clear. With both their lives at a turning point, Briony embraces the ultimate challenge: a perilous flight with Dag in the Norseman across the Arctic and over the Greenland ice sheet to Scotland that will demand all her skill and courage.
Author Dunaway, Dan Paxton
Dimensions 23 cm.
ISBN# 9781553804765 (paperback)
Notes Keywords: Cree communities.
Stmt Resp Dan Paxton Dunaway.
Subjects Adoptees—Fiction; Bush pilots—Fiction; First Nations—Fiction; Identity (Psychology)—Fiction; Orphans—Fiction; Teenage girls—Fiction
Book 1 copy

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