HGEC Library Learning Commons

3Doodler 2.0 pen (37506)
Country Canada
Audience Intermediate, Senior High (IS)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis Build, craft, decorate, fix, play and design with this 3D printing pen. Compact and easy to use this pen extrudes heated plastic that cools almost instantly into a solid, stable structure.
Dimensions 26 x 42 x 29 cm. plastic bin
Contents 2 3Doodler 2.0 pens ; 2 power adapters ; 2 unblocking tools ; 2 nozzle removal tools ; 2 mini screwdrivers ; 2 quick start guides ; 2 user's guides ; 1 wire stripper ; 100 plastic strands (consumable).
Notes DEMONSTRATION KIT; ADULT USE ONLY. BURN HAZARD - hot tip can cause severe burns. Do not touch the tip of the 3Doodle and the parts near the top. Allow to cool after use and before storing away. Warning in instruction manual.
Parts 2 boxes each containing: 1 pen, 1 power adapter, 3 tools, 2 guides and consumable strands all in a 26 x 42 x 29 cm. plastic bin.
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Applied design, skills and technologies; Art; Creative thinking; Imagination; Adst(CK)
Call# KT 0341
Kit 1 copy


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