This book is about a river. Most rivers start high up in the
mountains. As the water comes downhill, it makes little pathways in
the rocks and gravel. As the pathways get bigger, they join to make
streams. When several streams join, they make a river. Some rivers
have waterfalls and deep pools. In some places, fast moving water
tumbles over rocks forming rapids. When a river leaves the mountain
for flatter ground it starts to slow down. Eventually, a river ends
when it flows into the sea.
From the Mountains to the Sea: We Are a Community is a Grade 2
resource which covers all of your Aboriginal Learning Standards in
both science and social studies within the new BC curriculum.
Boreham, Brenda
Added autho
Mack, Terri
36 cm.
6 books ; 1 guide all in a 43 x 33 cm. plastic bag.