HGEC Library Learning Commons

Add - sub combo tiles (37660)
Copyrighted 1984
Country Canada
Audience Primary, Intermediate (PI)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis Addition and subtraction tasks.
Author Cook, Marcy
Dimensions 9 x 37 x 36 cm.
Pub. Loc. Balboa Island, CA
Contents 1 binder with 3 instruction pages and 22 instruction cards ; 20 small bags with 10 tiles numbered 0-9.
Parts 1 binder ; 20 tile bags all in a 9 x 37 x 36 cm. plastic container.
Stmt Resp Marcy Cook
Subjects Addition; Math; Math—Study and teaching (Elementary); Mathematics K-7; Mathematics—Problems, exercises, etc; Mathematics—Manipulatives; Numeracy; Subtraction; Numeracy Resources(CK)
Call# KT 0503
Kit 2 copies


Reference Users of this title also used:
Sums & differences : teaching addition and subtraction in grades 2 & 3 (41786)
Ten frame kit (38161)
Demonstration Clock [French] (40107)
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Brinsea Incubator (40984)

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