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April Raintree [6 books] (37678)
Physical 242 pieces
Copyrighted 1984
Distributor Highwater Press (4375)
Country Canada
Audience Junior High, Senior High (JS)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis Contemporary novel of two Métis sisters and their search for an identity. Suitable for a grade 10-12 audience, this novel tells the story of two sisters who were victims of the residential school system, separated from their family and from each other. As adults, each sister deals with the situation quite differently: one remains true to her Indigenous roots while the other tries to fit into society. This emotionally-charged story of healing and hope presents the reality facing Indigenous people today, many of the stereotypes about Indigenous peoples, and the legacy of residential schools in Canada.
Author Mosionier, Beatrice
Dimensions 22 cm.
ISBN# 9781553796602
Pub. Loc. Winnipeg, MB
Contents 6 books ; 1 Literature Circles guide ; 1 Focused Education Resources review.
Notes Theme: Family. Focused Education Resources review available below.
Parts 6 books ; 1 guide ; 1 review all in a 41 x 31 cm. plastic bag.
Stmt Resp Beatrice Mosionier
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Family—Fiction; First Nations—Fiction; Métis—Fiction; Literature Circles(CK); Sexual Health Novels(CK); Social Studies; Aboriginal; English language arts
Call# LIT FAM 10-12
Note FER Approved.
Kit 1 copy
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