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The reading strategies book : your everything guide to developing skilled readers (37682)
Physical Illustrated
Audience Teacher/Professional (T)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis Offers teachers three hundred strategies, supporting thirteen crucial goals, for meeting the individual instructional needs of every reader.
Author Serravallo, Jennifer
Dimensions 26 cm
ISBN# 9780325074337
Contents Supporting pre-emergent and emergent readers -Teaching reading engagement : focus, stamina, and building a reading life -Supporting print work : increasing accuracy and integrating sources of information -Teaching fluency : reading with phrasing, intonation, and automaticity -Supporting comprehension in fiction : understanding plot and setting -Supporting comprehension in fiction : thinking about characters -Supporting comprehension in fiction : understanding themes and ideas -Supporting comprehension in nonfiction : Determining main topic(s) and idea(s) -Supporting comprehension in nonfiction : determining key details -Supporting comprehension in nonfiction : getting the most from text features -Improving comprehension in fiction and nonfiction : understanding vocabulary and figurative language -Supporting students' conversations: speaking, listening, and deepening comprehension -Improving writing about reading.
Notes "With 300 strategies"--cover.
Parts xii
Stmt Resp Jennifer Serravallo.
Subjects Reading; Reading comprehension—Study and teaching; Teaching
Call# 372.6 SER
Book 2 copies
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