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The kids book of Black Canadian history (37858)
Physical Illustrated
Produced 2003
Distributor Kids Can Press (3623)
Dewey 971/.004
Audience Primary, Intermediate, Junior High (PIJ)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis Provides an overview of inspiring stories and events of a people who fought oppression as they searched for a place to call their own. It features fact boxes, a time line, and mini-profiles of musician Oscar Peterson, newspaper publisher Carrie Best, author Austin Clarke, NHL hockey player Jarome Iginla, wrestler Daniel Igali, and others.
Author Sadlier, Rosemary.
Added autho Wang, Qijun
Dimensions 32 cm.
ISBN# 1550748920 (bound)
Pub. Loc. Toronto
Notes Red Cedar Books 2005-2006. Includes index.
Parts 56 p.
Stmt Resp written by Rosemary Sadlier ; illustrated by Wang Qijun.
TitleVartn Black Canadian history
Subjects Black Canadians—Biography; Black Canadians—History; Blacks—Canada—History; Blacks—Canada—Biography; Canada—Race relations; Canadian Authors.—local; Wang, Qijun,—ill(A)
Call# 971.00496 SAD
Book 1 copy
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