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| Title
The kids book of Black Canadian history (37858) |
| Physical
| Produced
| Distributor
Kids Can Press
| Dewey
| Audience
Primary, Intermediate, Junior High (PIJ)
| Collection
Professional Library
| | |
| Synopsis
Provides an overview of inspiring stories and events of a people
who fought oppression as they searched for a place to call their own.
It features fact boxes, a time line, and mini-profiles of musician
Oscar Peterson, newspaper publisher Carrie Best, author Austin
Clarke, NHL hockey player Jarome Iginla, wrestler Daniel Igali, and
| Author
Sadlier, Rosemary.
| Added autho
Wang, Qijun
| Dimensions
32 cm.
1550748920 (bound)
| Pub. Loc.
| Notes
Red Cedar Books 2005-2006. Includes index.
| Parts
56 p.
| Stmt Resp
written by Rosemary Sadlier ; illustrated by Wang Qijun.
| TitleVartn
Black Canadian history
| Subjects
Black CanadiansBiography;
Black CanadiansHistory;
CanadaRace relations;
Canadian Authors.local;
Wang, Qijun,ill(A)
| Call#
971.00496 SAD
| Holdings
| |
Reference |
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