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| Title
Haisla, rivers and chinook salmon (37895) |
| Physical
Illustrated; 32 pages
| Copyrighted
| Distributor
Strong Nations Publishing Inc
| Audience
Primary, Intermediate, Junior High (PIJ)
| Collection
Professional Library
| Series
We are all connected
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| Synopsis
One book in a series that explores how we all live together in a
shared balance upon Mother Earth. Features interviews with Indigenous
people, responding to questions as to how their community interacts
with the land of their traditional territory. Ideal for use in
inquiry-based learning. Also examines the river ecosystem -with a
focus on the Chinook salmon and its adaptations for survival.
| Author
Starr, Joe
| Added autho
Boreham, Brenda,; Mack, Terri
| Dimensions
28 cm.
9781771742467 (sc.)
| Contents
Haisla story -Haisla art -An interview with Joe Starr -We are
all connected to river ecosystems -What are Chinook salmon? -Five
classes of vertebrates -What are fish? What do Chinook salmon look
like? -What do Chinook salmon eat? -A Chinook salmon food chain -How
do Chinook salmon find their food? -A Chinook salmon food web -Life
cycle of the Chinook salmon -Where do Chinook salmon live? -An
interview with Joe Starr, continued -The last word from Ross Wilson.
| Parts
32 pages
| Stmt Resp
Joe Starr, Brenda Boreham and Terri Mack.
| Subjects
Careers - Exploring Possibilities(CK);
Chinook salmon;
First Nations;
Haisla (First Nations people)Interviews;
Haisla (First Nations people);
River ecology;
Boreham, Brenda,author(A);
Mack, Terri,editor(A);
Stream ecology
| Call#
577.64 STA
| Holdings
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Reference |
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