HGEC Library Learning Commons

Road builders set (38076)
Country Canada
Audience Primary (P)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis Use these soft foam interlocking pieces to create a roadway. Roadway includes 8 square, 6 curves, and a 4-way intersection. Also includes 86 wooden pieces for a town scene.
Dimensions 33 x 44 x 62 cm. plastic container.
Contents 15 squares, 32 x 32 cm. each ; 1 book: Wheels ; 86 wooden pieces in fabric bag include: 1 bus stop, 19 figures, 15 small vehicles, 8 construction/community large vehicles, 18 traffic signs, 15 town pieces, 8 trees, and 2 road barriers. .
Parts 15 squares ; 1 book ; 86 wooden pieces in fabric bag all in a 33 x 44 x 62 cm. plastic container.
Subjects Automobiles; Creative activities; Early childhood education; Imagination; Play; Preschool education; Racing; Roads; Storytelling with manipulatives
Call# KT 1600
Kit 1 copy


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