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Anne of Green Gables : a graphic novel [6 books] (38083)
Physical 231 pieces
Copyrighted 2017
Distributor Andrews McMeel Publishing (4416)
Country Canada
Audience Intermediate (I)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis A graphic novel adaptation of the classic novel about Anne, an eleven-year-old orphan, who is sent by mistake to live with a lonely, middle-aged brother and sister on a Prince Edward Island farm. The siblings, who asked for a boy to help them with their farm work, are determined to send her back to the orphanage, but Anne quickly changes their minds.
Author Marsden, Mariah
Dimensions 23 cm.
ISBN# 9781449479602
Pub. Loc. Kansas City, MO
Contents 6 books ; 1 Literature Circles guide.
Parts 6 books ; 1 guide all in a 41 x 31 cm. plastic bag.
Stmt Resp Mariah Marsden
Added entry Illustrated by Brenna Thummler
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Canada—History—1867-1914—Graphic novels; Country life—Graphic novels; Friendship—Graphic novels; Graphic novels; Orphans—Graphic novels; Prince Edward Island—History—Graphic novels; Literature Circles(CK)
Call# LIT HERO 4-6
Kit 1 copy
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