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| Title
JUMP math 1.1 : [workbook 1 : part 1 of 2] (38139) |
| Physical
| Distributor
| Audience
Primary, Senior High, Teacher/Professional (PST)
| Collection
Professional Library
| Series
JUMP math
| | |
| Synopsis
This workbook provides exercises designed for students working
under the guidance of an adult. A free teacher guide, answer keys,
sample tests, and other supplementary resources are available online.
Note copyright restrictions.
| Author
Mighton, John
| Added autho
Sabourin, Sindi.; Klebanov, Anna.
| Dimensions
28 cm.
| Edition
2009 ed.
| Pub. Loc.
| Contents
Number sense 1 -Patterns and algebra 1 -Measurement 1
-Geometry 1 -Probability and data management 1.
| Notes
JUMP Math is a numeracy program started in 1998 by
mathematician, author and award-winning playwright John Mighton.
Helping children understand mathematics is the bottom-line issue that
JUMP Math is striving to address.
| Parts
1 v.
| Stmt Resp
[writers John Mighton, Sindi Sabourin, Anna Klebanov].
| Subjects
MathematicsStudy and teaching;
MathematicsProblems, exercises, etc;
Klebanov, Anna(A);
Sabourin, Sindi(A)
| Call#
510.71 MIG
| Holdings
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Reference |
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