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| Title
Words their way [collection] (38186) |
| Physical
| Produced
| Distributor
| Audience
Teacher/Professional (T)
| Collection
Professional Library
| Series
Words their way
| | |
| Synopsis
Provides guidance and activities for using word study to to teach
reading, vocabulary, and spelling to struggling readers in the
classroom. Binder contains 6 books.
| Added autho
Bear, Donald R.; Invernizzi, Marcia.; Templeton, Shane.;
| Dimensions
30 cm
9780133996333 (Word study)
| Pub. Loc.
| Contents
Words their way : word study for phonics, vocabulary, and
spelling instruction [book] -Words their way : letter and picture
sorts for emergent spellers [book] -Words their way : word sorts for
letter name-alphabetic spellers [book] -Words their way : word sorts
for within word pattern spellers [book] -Words their way : word sorts
for derivational relations spellers [book] -Words their way : word
sorts for syllables and affixes spellers [book] -Developmental stages
for word study [paper].
| Parts
6 volumes in 3 ring binder, one sheet of paper
| Stmt Resp
Donald R. Bear ; Marcia Invernizzi ; Shane Templeton ;
Francine Johnston.
| Subjects
English languageSpelling;
English languageSpellingStudy and teaching;
ReadingPhonetic method;
Word recognitionStudy and teaching;
Bear, Donald R(A);
Invernizzi, Marcia(A);
Johnston, Francine(A);
Templeton, Shane(A)
| Call#
372.632 WOR
| Holdings
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Reference |
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