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French Strong Nations readers kit 1 (38367)
Distributor Strong Nations Publishing Inc (4357)
Country Canada
Language French
Audience Primary, Intermediate, Junior High (PIJ)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis This kit includes 1 four-piece puppet set - canoe, raven, spirit bear and frog (animals fit inside canoe). Puppet set can be used for students to dramatize their comprehension of the story or to create their own using the same characters. 3 books with 6 copies of each include: Corbeau fait un plan - Raven and Eagle are expecting visitors and have much to prepare; however, how the workload is divided is a bit of an issue. Beautiful illustrations in the style of Coast Salish Art. Allons pagayer - Story about animals canoeing to an island when the fog rolls in. Beautiful illustrations in the style of Coast Salish Art. Des casse-têtes d'animaux - Descriptions of 4 Canadian animals and their body parts. Real life photos of the animals accompany the text for reading support.
Author Klockars, Donna
Added autho Boreham, Brenda
ISBN# 9781771742412
Contents 18 books: 6 Corbeau fait un plan, 6 Allons pagayer, 6 Des casse-têtes d'animaux ; 4 puppet pieces: canoe, raven, spirit bear, frog.
Notes Picture Books Appropriate reading levels for Grade 1-3 French Immersion (approx. level 10 DRA) or Grade 7-9 Core French.
Parts 18 books ; 4 puppet pieces all in a 13 x 20 x 35 x cm. plastic container.
Stmt Resp Donna Klockars and Brenda Boreham
Subjects French Readers(CK); Early learning inquiry(CK); Core French; First Nations; Français (Langue); French Immersion (FRIMM); French language; Puppets and puppet plays; French Resources(CK)
Call# KT 1895
Kit 1 copy


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