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What's the buzz? : keeping bees in flight [8 books] (38387)
Physical 48 pieces
Copyrighted 2015
Distributor Orca Book Publishers (2242)
Country Canada
Audience Intermediate, Junior High, Senior High (IJS)
Collection Booking Library
Series Orca footprints (0437)
Synopsis Discusses the features, habits, and pollination efforts of different types of bees. Also explores the ways people are trying to save bee populations.
Author Wilcox, Merrie-Ellen
Dimensions 25 cm.
ISBN# 9781459809604
Pub. Loc. Victoria, BC
Contents 8 books ; 1 Teacher's guide ; 1 Points of Inquiry pamphlet.
Notes Theme: Inquiry
Parts 8 books ; 2 guides all in a 46 x 33 cm. plastic bag.
Stmt Resp Merrie-Ellen Wilcox
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Bees; Inquiry-based learning; Science; Beekeeping; Beehives
Call# INQ 5-12
Kit 1 copy
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