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Respect and take care of things (38580)
Physical Illustrated
Audience Primary (P)
Collection Professional Library
Series Learning to get along (0429)
Synopsis A young girl discovers the values of respect, responsibility, and stewardship as she learns to take care of herself and the things around her, put things in their place, and respect other peoples' belongings.
Author Meiners, Cheri J.
Added autho Johnson, Meredith
Dimensions 23 cm
ISBN# 9781575421605
Notes "Includes activity guide for adults" -front cover.
Stmt Resp Cheri J. Meiners ; illustrated by Meredith Johnson.
Subjects Caring; Conduct of life; Respect; Johnson, Meredith,—illustrator(A)
Call# E MEI
Book 1 copy
Reference Users of this title also used:
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