HGEC Library Learning Commons

Metaphor making : your career, your life, your way (38617)
Physical 157 pieces
Copyrighted 2010
Distributor Ergon Communications (4460)
Country Canada
Audience Junior High, Senior High (JS)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis Metaphor Making: Your Career, Your Life, Your Way is designed for counsellors interested in better utilizing metaphors in their practice. It includes theoretical foundations and intervention exercises (client initiated; counsellor responsive; counsellor initiated) and a metaphoric case conceptualization process for use in supervision. Forty metaphoric images offer an in-depth practical and personal opportunity to experience the metaphoric process, which are also presented in the included card sort format. The cards can be used in both individual and group settings to generate discussion and exploration. Includes Metaphor Making Card Sort, an interactive card sort activity presented on 48-cards in a custom box, complete with make-your-own metaphor cards and instructions.
Author Amundson, Norman E.
Dimensions 23 x 31 cm. plastic bag.
ISBN# 9780968434505
Pub. Loc. Richmond, BC
Contents 1 book ; 1 card set (56 cards).
Parts 1 book ; 1 card set all in a 23 x 31 cm. plastic bag.
Stmt Resp Norman E. Amundson
Subjects Career and Personal Planning; Vocational guidance
Call# KT 0011
Kit 1 copy


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