HGEC Library Learning Commons

Exploring community (38638)
Copyrighted 2014
Distributor Scholastic Canada (2434)
Country Canada
Audience Primary, Intermediate (PI)
Collection Booking Library
Series Talk about (1846)
Synopsis Talk About introduces students to the structure, patterns, and vocabulary of Everyday and Content-Specific English through talking, reading, and writing about familiar things. Topics include: Jobs, My town, Sports and recreation and Where does it come from? Each topic have 4 copies of 6 different books. Includes blackline masters.
Dimensions 15 x 28 x 41 cm. plastic bin.
Pub. Loc. Markham, ON
Contents 1 teacher's resource ; 96 books in 4 categories include: Jobs (4 Dogs on the job, 4 Emergency workers, 4 Factory jobs, 4 Jobs at a hospital, 4 Jobs at a restaurant, 4 Jobs on a farm) ; My town (4 Art in my town, 4 At the lake, 4 Entertainment, 4 Forms of transportation, 4 Going to the game, 4 Shopping malls) ; Sports and recreation (4 Bowling, 4 Clubs, 4 Dance groups, 4 Fitness in the park, 4 Games, 4 Things you can do on ice) ; Where it comes from? (Where do t-shirts come from? Where does cheese come from? Where does chocolate come from? Where does drinking water come from? Where does popcorn come from? Where does your electricity come from?)
Notes www.scholastic.ca/education/talkabout
Parts 1 teacher's resource ; 96 books in a 15 x 28 x 41 cm. plastic bin.
Guide Teacher's resource included
Subjects Careers - Positive Community Engagement(CK); Careers - Exploring Possibilities(CK); English language—Study and teaching; Language arts; Vocabulary—Study and teaching; English Language Learners(CK)
Call# KT 0510
Kit 1 copy


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