HGEC Library Learning Commons

Sound it out : Games that motivate (38639)
Country Canada
Audience Primary (P)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis "Easy strategies for sounding out words. Teach blends and digraphs through quick, fun phrases. Simple and effective classroom activities. Letter tiles for lessons included. Suggestions for calming anxiety and overcoming avoidance in reading. Assessment tool and learning games included!"—Cover.
Author Coates, Jennifer
Dimensions 28 x 38 x 46 cm. plastic bin.
Pub. Loc. Kamloops, BC
Contents 2 books (Sound it out!, Resources by Jenn) ; FOLDER A GAMES THAT MOTIVATE 1: 10 laminated sheets (Roll it. Read it. Sound it out!) ; 2 instruction cards (Parents and Teachers, Blend puzzles) ; 3 envelopes with cards ; Pencil Matchup card game (32 cards) ; FOLDER B GAMES THAT MOTIVATE 2: 4 laminated sheets (Roll! Race! Read!) ; Sound Twins card game (35 cards) ; 2 laminated sheets (Word wheels!, My Wheel Words) ; 10 - 3 piece Word Wheels (wheel-arrow-fastener) ; FOLDER C GAMES THAT MOTIVATE 3: 2 laminated sheets (Break it! Make it!Rearrange it!) ; 7 envelopes with cards ; 3 laminated sheets (Memory, Match Up Time!) ; 24 cards ; 3 laminated sheets (Root word and suffix practice, Words I made! My amazing words!) ; 8 envelopes with cards ; FOLDER D CVC WORD GAME PACK: 1 laminated sheet (CVC Word Game Pack) ; 5 envelope with 24 cards each ; BIN F CLOUD MATCH-UP: 1 laminated sheet (Cloud Match-Up) ; 16 cloud cards ; BIN G LOST LETTERS: 1 laminated sheet (Lost Letters) ; 52 letter cards.
Parts 5 plastic folders and 2 small bins with assorted books, games, cards, envelopes and laminated sheets in a 28 x 38 x 46 cm. plastic bin.
Stmt Resp Jennifer Coates
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Early learning inquiry(CK); Language arts—Study and teaching; Reading; Reading comprehension—Study and teaching
Call# KT 0715
Kit 1 copy


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