HGEC Library Learning Commons

Humans wanted [30 books] (38649)
Physical 43 pieces
Copyrighted 2018
Distributor RBC (4445)
Country Canada
Audience Senior High (S)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis "Canada is facing a quiet crisis. In the coming decade, half of all jobs will be disrupted by technology and automation. Some will change dramatically. Others will disappear completely, replaced by jobs that are yet to be invented. We are living through an era of radical change, with the latest advancements in artificial intelligence and automation transforming the way we work, even in unexpected fields such as law and customer service. How will we prepare Canadian youth for the workplace of the future? Over the past year, RBC conducted a major study of the Canadian workforce. We crisscrossed the country, talked to students, workers, educators and employers in every sector. We studied job openings and automation trends and dug into mountains of data to figure out how the country is changing and what we can do to prepare." From publisher's website.
Dimensions 15 x 28 x 41 cm. plastic bin.
Contents 30 books
Parts 30 books all in a 15 x 28 x 41 cm. plastic bin.
Subjects Career and Personal Planning; Occupations; Professions; Vocational guidance
Call# KT 1578
Kit 1 copy

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