Primary, Intermediate, Junior High, Senior High (PIJS)
Booking Library
Sllekme'wes (Stickgames) or "Lahal" are traditional games, of many
Aboriginal peoples especially those of the Pacific Northwest. They
were used quite often to raise the spirits or as a celebration of a
community, family or village, especially after a loss of a loved one.
Present times use stickgames (Sllekme'wes) as a reason for a
gathering, a celebration, and a chance to win skalow (money).
23 x 40 x 60 cm. plastic bin.
2 books: Sllekme'wes/Stickgames ; Secwepemc Stseptekwll: "The story of
Loon ; 1 drum (32 cm.) ; 1 drumstick (41 cm.) ; 10 orange game sticks
(26 cm.) ; 1 orange kick stick with 2 pointy ends (26 cm) ; 10 pink
game sticks (26 cm.) ; 1 pink kick stick with 2 pointy ends (26 cm) ;
4 bones with stripe (6 cm.) ; 4 bones without stripe (6 cm.) ; 1
acknowledgement sheet.