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Our future: how kids are taking action [8 books] (38667)
Copyrighted 2019
Distributor Second Story Press (4181)
Country Canada
Audience Primary, Intermediate (PI)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis From climate action to cyberbullying, from gun violence to animal protection, these young activists have brought about real change. These young people from across the globe are raising awareness about what issues matter to them most. Jaelun Parkerson from Texas kneels with his football teammates during the National Anthem to protest racial injustice; Canadian Autumn Peltier spoke in front of the United Nations to raise awareness about water pollution; and Melati Wijsen from Bali started working at twelve-years-old to convince his government to ban plastic bags. From oil pipelines to cyber bullying, from gun violence to animal protection, they won't let their youth stop them from being heard.
Author Wilson, Janet
Dimensions 23 cm.
ISBN# 9781772601039
Pub. Loc. Toronto, ON
Contents 8 books ; 1 Points of Inquiry pamphlet.
Notes Theme: Inquiry
Parts 8 books ; 1 guide all in a 30 x 38 cm. plastic bag.
Stmt Resp Written and illustrated by Janet Wilson
Added entry Design by Melissa Kaita
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Core competencies; Inquiry-based learning; Social Studies; Social justice; Social reformers—Biography; Canadian(CK); Diversity(CK); Youth movement; Political activists; Social action
Call# INQ 3-7
Kit 1 copy
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