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| Title
Trash revolution : breaking the waste cycle [8 books] (38680) |
| Physical
64 pieces
| Copyrighted
| Distributor
Kids Can Press
| Country
| Audience
Primary, Intermediate, Junior High (PIJ)
| Collection
Booking Library
| | |
| Synopsis
"All the stuff that surrounds us has a life cycle: materials are
harvested, the stuff is made and distributed, it's consumed and then
it gets trashed or recycled. Using the typical contents of a child's
school backpack (defined as water, food, clothing, paper, plastic,
metals, electronics), this book explores those stages in detail,
including lots of ways to reduce, reuse or recycle waste along the
way."Provided by publisher.
| Author
Fyvie, Erica
| Dimensions
29 cm.
| Pub. Loc.
Toronto, ON
| Contents
8 books ; 1 Points of Inquiry pamphlet.
| Notes
Theme: Inquiry
| Parts
8 books ; 1 guide all in a 33 x 46 cm. plastic bag.
| Stmt Resp
Erica Fyvie
| Added entry
Illustrated by Bill Slavin
| Guide
Guide Included
| Subjects
Conservation of natural resources;
Inquiry-based learning;
Refuse and refuse disposal;
Waste products
| Call#
INQ 3-9
| Holdings
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Reference |
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